Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are there any benefits from the various juice blends that can be purchased as health food stores

Are there any benefits from the various juice blends that can be purchased as health food stores?
We have been looking into the different health juice blends out there that contain items like noni, acai, goji, etc.... Here were some we saw out there: LifeTime Blend 6, Dymamic Health - Health Blend, Natures Way - Alive Poweractive. Are any of the reputable and worth the money, and are there true benefits of the various ingredients (goji, noni, acai, mangosteen, etc...)?
Alternative Medicine - 2 Answers
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1 :
Those are all marketing ploys in my opinion. Look for anti-oxidants, as in dark berries. Check for low carbs, i.e. no added sugar. Choose high fibre, subtract for net carbs.
2 :
Noni may be similar to Siberian ginseng in that it is a normalizer. Some of these products are way too expensive for the average person to use on a regular basis. They probably do good things if you could get them locally and use them fresh, they would do a lot more

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

If i went to my local health food store how much should it cost me to buy a dozen vanilla pods

If i went to my local health food store how much should it cost me to buy a dozen vanilla pods?

Cooking & Recipes - 2 Answers
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1 :
about $2.00 a pod
2 :
On average, Vanilla pods are about $2.00 to $3.00 for one pod. However, I have seen them go for as much as $5.00 each! I'd plan on paying around the two to three dollar price each.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you know of any food delivery services that have affordable health food plans that serve South Florida

Do you know of any food delivery services that have affordable health food plans that serve South Florida?
I really need to get into shape and I have no time to cook between work and college. Any good information would help. I would prefer comments made by personal trainers, fitness instructurs, nutritionists, etc. Thank you everyone.
Diet & Fitness - 2 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Check this web site I Hope you find your answer there If you didn't find your answer, you can register so that you are notified with any new Tips added to this web site through this link You can also your own tips in this site through this link

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Friday, April 16, 2010

do people that buy from health food stores tend toward an interest in a vegetarian diet

do people that buy from health food stores tend toward an interest in a vegetarian diet?
just marketing my vegetarian/ vegan catering business. any ideas appreciated.
Vegetarian & Vegan - 4 Answers
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1 :
Well, I tend to try and shop and/or order from health food stores and my family is definitely NOT vegetarian/vegan. We dig on fish, chicken and beef. However, we like to eat the healthiest of what we do eat, and finding things like hemp hearts, chia seeds, quinoa and goji berries at a regular store just doesn't work. So, we shop at health food stores. Now, as for marketing your catering business. Health food stores, stores that sell hemp clothing, beach areas and healthy restaurants would be good areas to promote your business I believe. Good luck to you!~
2 :
Yea health food stores would work, but a veg*n would be just as likely to go to a grocery store, I think. There are really a lot of things at most grocery stores that a normal person wouldn't think are vegan. Also, a Whole Foods store would be a major place to advertise. Veg dating sites might be a good place to advert too, just in case they remember that catering business they saw when they finally found their soul mate.
3 :
I think YES, you will find a larger percentage of vegetarians at health food stores than you will in conventional grocery stores.
4 :
I'm willing to bet at least 50% of them are, and most the others have friends who are

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Monday, April 12, 2010

what are good sources of food for spiritual health

what are good sources of food for spiritual health?
Just wondering if there is other kinds of food like garlic that can help with spiritual health and healing... like the spirit and chakra cleansing... other than meditation. Not to say I won't do meditation... I'm just wondering if there is also a nutritional element to consider.
Religion & Spirituality - 2 Answers
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1 :
Oatmeal with berries (blueberries, boysenberries, alpine strawberries, wineberries, purple raspberries) in the morning. The first meal always determines how you will FEEL for the rest of the day. "SPIRITUALITY: the last refuge of a failed human. Just another way of distracting yourself who you really are." -George Carlin
2 :
Critical thinking skills to know that most of that is just nonsense

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

What are the best tasting vegan cheeses availible from the grocery or health food store

What are the best tasting vegan cheeses availible from the grocery or health food store?
Great responses. Thanks to all who took the time : )
Vegetarian & Vegan - 5 Answers
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1 : Vegan Gourmet cheese, I love it.
2 :
Honestly, I've never had one I could stomach. Good luck with that.
3 :
even walmart has a variety of sliced and grated soy cheese in their produce section, its by the tofu. easy to find, and it tastes just like cheese
4 :
I'm totally with pppmntgrl. Maybe it's because I grew up in Wisconsin and ate a lot of "real" cheese before I went vegan, but I've never tried ANY plant-based cheese that I thought to be tasty. I just go without :). Good luck.
5 :
IMO, the sliced ones aren't that great. I like the mac and chReese dinners from Road's End Organics and Soymage parmesan though, the latter is great to sprinkle on top of cheeseless pizza. Tastes just like real parmesan, I use it on popcorn too

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can my healthy cat eat food food for urinary tract health

Can my healthy cat eat food food for urinary tract health?
I have two cats and one of them needs special food for urinary tract health. For the past week we've been trying to get them to eat separately, but they just wouldn't have it. The healthy cat is skinny to begin with it, and she doesn't want to eat on schedule (they are used to food being available all the time). Is it okay if the healthy cat eats the special food for extended periods of time? Thanks.
Cats - 4 Answers
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1 :
I had the same problem! My male cat had to have his little willy chopped off and has to eat urinary tract food. My girl cat eats his food all the time so I asked my vet what to do and she said it was fine. I've seen no change in her bathroom usage! I also just give eat of them soft and hard urinary tract food and they love it!
2 :
Double check with your veterinarian on this. But when my male cat was first diagnosed with struvite crystals in his urinary tract, it was easier to just let both the male and the female eat the same food. After a year or so, the prices went up, so I decided then to separate them and feed her something non-prescription and cheaper. The female showed no signs of having a problem Of course, by that time they had had plenty of time to get used to eating on a schedule (after all, you can't really leave canned food out all the time), and it was easier to make another change in how they were fed. If you are feeding them dry food, I urge you to switch to canned. Water is one of the most effective treatments for most urinary tract issues, and water is the one nutrient that dry food does not supply.
3 :
Our male cat had emergency surgery for "crystals" in his urinary tract in 2007 and was put on prescription cat food "CD" to maintain the pH of his urine so that the crystals would no longer be able to form. I gave up on trying to feed our 3 cats separately over a year ago. All three are doing well and are healthy. May want to ask the vet that initially suggested the special food for urinary tract health.
4 :
The urinary tract formulas are lower in protein which isn't good for your skinny kitty. Actually, feeding a high quality wet food that contains better quality protein instead of less would be better for both cats. If you choose to keep feeding the vet food, you should separate them at mealtimes. Here's a very good article on optimal feeding you should read. Feel free to discuss it with your vet. Mine couldn't come up with an argument against it. It is challenging to get free fed cats on a feeding schedule, but it's well worth the effort. You can monitor their intake and adjust feedings to their individual needs. Check out Wellness and Blue Buffalo brand foods. Both are excellent quality and cost about the same as the vet food you're feeding. Just stay away from fish flavors which contain high levels of phosphorus and magnesium. These contribute greatly to cases of urinary tract disorders

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Should we have a single payer grocery/food system since it will work so well with health care

Should we have a single payer grocery/food system since it will work so well with health care?
why not single payer housing, auto leases, etc. Let the gov portion out everything to "provide for the general welfare" and no one gets anything better than anyone else, and everyone has equal acccess to health care, food, housing, transportation, etc
Politics - 2 Answers
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All will be coming soon at the rate Obama is going.........sad, sad, sad
2 :
Because food is still a free-market activity here. Automobiles are not a free-market good, and neither is housing, transportation, or medical care. Government regulation controls what the supply looks like from the consumer's point of view. In almost all communities, if you bought a piece of land, and built a plywood shack on it to live in, you would be in jail in a heartbeat. Also, if you built your own car out of spare parts of lawnmowers and bicycles, you would also be in jail. You could count roads and highways as transportation, which are a public good and supported and repaired with taxes from those who would either use or benefit from them. Public transportation is a public good and also a benefit as those who don't drive, or can't afford to drive, have access to a wider world out there. I detect that you believe that their is something wrong with access to medical care. Insurance is the gate-keeper of access to medical care. Some states allow the uninsured access to life-saving treatments, and some do but make them pay, or have a very low qualification income ceiling. Just think, if we had food insurance, no one would be able to buy meat. It would cost hundreds of dollars a pound, as most dietitians and nutritionists believe that meat is very bad for you. Also, you would not be able to buy alcohol, tobacco, and lard. I'm sure that your imagination can come up with foods we all have access to, at paltry prices, that are considered very,very bad, like ice cream. If there was no health insurance, doctors and other highly-paid medical professionals would be driving around in Hyundais, not BMWs or Hummers. They would have to live in neighborhoods like mine, and shop at Wal-mart or K-Mart. Health care is no more a free-market activity than all the other activities you name. Personally, I want my doctor to care more about my health than about his next car payment or his junket off to some exotic realm. Most doctors go into medicine to get rich, not to help people or ease suffering. There are still a few who do care, but since those who don't care are now the majority, the relationship between doctor and patient has ceased to be a free-market activity

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