Monday, December 28, 2009

Now that we can get products at the Health Food store that taste like meat,is there any excuse for eating junk

Now that we can get products at the Health Food store that taste like meat,is there any excuse for eating junk
meat products that prepare you to have a heart attack in later life? These vegetable products even feel like meat in the mouth. Of course, small health food stores may have to order them special for you.
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yes, it tastes good...LOL
2 :
3 :
Very expensive. i like the real thing.
4 :
most folks are addicted to it
5 :
if you take a vegetable grind it up and reconstitute it and reflavor it.. is that artificial or not. If substances are added to make it something else.. is that healthy or not.. frankly I don't see anything wrong with meat.. maybe you want the artificial stuff.. but I prefer the true tastes of vegetables and the choice of eating meat or not.. how can something be healthy.. if it has been altered artificially

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

What food health and safety regualtions do I need to follow

What food health and safety regualtions do I need to follow?
I am doing some fundraising for myself, and we are going to sell some cakes to people at my parents choir rehearsal and church. What regulations do I need to follow? They will be home-made
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Practically speaking there are not any regulations for this type of activity. As long as you act reasonably and no one complains about anything, you should not have a problem.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Olympic, Washington- Are there health food stores, organic foods items sold in grocery stores

Olympic, Washington- Are there health food stores, organic foods items sold in grocery stores?

Other - Food & Drink - 1 Answers
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1 :
Olympia, Washington? And yes, they do.... QFC, Safeway, Albertson all sell organic food and specialty vegetarian foods. Also there is a Olympia Food Co-op Cheers

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does anyone know where a health food store near Henry County Georgia

Does anyone know where a health food store near Henry County Georgia?
I don't want to drive all the way to Atl. to go to the Whole foods market is there one closer?
Vegetarian & Vegan - 1 Answers
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1 :
Hi *Smile*... Check here Good luck finding what you need!!!! *Smile*

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can I grow poppies from the poppy seeds I buy from a health food store

Can I grow poppies from the poppy seeds I buy from a health food store?

Garden & Landscape - 2 Answers
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1 :
I do not belive that you can. And if you are trying to do what I think you are trying to do, it wont work. They are a different strand that what you are looking for. ;)
2 :
No they have been dried - it will not work. Sorry.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is nutrional yeast raw..the kind you would buy at a health food store

Is nutrional yeast raw..the kind you would buy at a health food store?
I'm a raw vegan and lacking B12, and wanted to know if I could eat this? Thank you in advance. [[[For those of you who don't know... Raw vegan means that I only eat food in its natural, uncooked, unprocessed, unpasteurized state &&& no animal products...understand?]]]] :] thanks again
Vegetarian & Vegan - 6 Answers
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1 :
Looking for your answer online, I couldn't figure out whether or not it is raw. I would say, with my rudimentary understanding of yeast and the raw lifestyle, that nutritional yeast does undergo "some" processing before being sold for consumption, so if you're very strict on the raw aspect, you might not want to go that way, but on the other hand, it's a great supplement and if you're B12 lacking, I might suggest incorporating a little into your diet. It's supposedly delicious. I've never tried it, though, so again, all opinion and conjecture from this corner.
2 :
If you consider cultured foods like soy yogurt processed, nutritional yeast may not be for you. In addition, nutritional yeast is heated so that the live yeast is killed at pasteurization temperatures. The following site explains the process a bit better: Again, it does not sound like a raw product. If it is B12 that you are looking to incorporate in your diet, you may want to look into sea vegetables such as kelp, nori, etc. They are normally rich in B12 and other important trace minerals. I hope that helps.
3 :
No, it's been deactivated by heat. Nothing is living in it...if that's what you mean. Other than growing your own veggies....and not cooking them all the way...I don't know how you would get your B 12. Maybe someone else would know. B 12 is a mineral found in the dirt too....the veggies from the store have been washed so many times that the B 12 isn't present on them anymore..sounds like you'd benifit from your own garden.
4 :
Yes it is, many of my Uncook Books use it.
5 :
Nutritional yeast DOES NOT contain any vitamin B12 unless it is fortified with it. The highest source of natural Vitamin B12 (human active) in plants is spirulina. Human active B12 is also available in sea vegetables such as raw nori, etc. However, these sources not only have the human active B12, but also have B12 analog which prevents the human active B12 from being absorbed into the body. Thus there are ZERO vegan sources of Vitamin B12 without taking supplements or fortified foods. One exception would be from the soil which is naturally very high in Vitamin B12. Cows that are grassfed do not wash the dirt off of the grass before they eat it, but eat the grass which has dirt particles on it. For this reason beef and milk is very high in B12 (cows are vegan). So the only way you are going to get B12 without supplements is by eating dirty produce which hasn't been washed. The best source for this would be your local organic farmers market..
6 :
No, it is a cooked product. Says to on their website. You lack B12, why? See, B12 is left out of statistic because, for example, you will find B12 on the outside of most fruits and vegetables, thus, they are not part of the product, but ON the product. If you eat natural organic unwashed or or little washed (enough to get any visible dirt off) you can get B12 this way. It's also found in the mouth and intestines. So, try to promote the good bacteria in your intestines by not consuming thing that will kill them such as white vinegar, antibiotics, and such. You can eat things like miso, tempeh, and other fermented foods. There are lots fermented food in every culture around the world. There some great fermented tofu from China that is similar to miso... well, I won't bother making a list, it's very extensive. Take a look here for some ideas under B12:

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Friday, December 4, 2009

What states are most helpful toward providing health care, food stamps and housing for low-income citizens

What states are most helpful toward providing health care, food stamps and housing for low-income citizens?
I'm a senior citizen with a low income living in Texas, hoping to move to a state that will provide these items (food stamps, health care, etc.,) to my wife and I in order for us to live a productive life.
Senior Citizens - 13 Answers
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1 :
If your in Texas, try out the Houston area.
2 :
I can tell you that Louisiana does offer all those if you qualify. However, they are stringent to some and yet lenient to others. I had a hard time getting food stamps for my elderly folks who were on very low (SSI) benefits. Yet, their health care was excellent as far as Medicare and Medicaid. I was also able to get prescription help through pharmaceutical companies that allowed. Housing, however, is a different subject. The waiting list for low-income, elderly is quite long. I kept my parents with me and helped supplement the food bills. Good luck to both of you and hope that you can get the help you need.
3 :
Check out northeastern Ohio. I just moved from Ohio & while living there, I was aware of the help Seniors were able to receive. If you don't mind the cold winters, but love warm summers, this is the place to be. Erie, Pa, is just across the border, eastward & Cleveland, Ohio, is to the west if you like day trips right on Lake Erie.
4 :
Just wishing you luck, I was going to put NOT TEXAS,, As for Pauls cruel answer my husband has worked steady all his life and me too till disabled, it is going to be a big adjustment even for us when we retire. He works for school system. We get all the extras over border and left over hurricane persons and Texas childrens health is not as promiced either. I would leave also if I could.
5 :
im in s.e. ok. they are pretty supportive here, there is low income housing, (although i don't think youger disabled people should live there, they are included in some housing) but we have vans, buses, meals on wheels, one pharmacy delivers, (walmart should start but i'm in a small county seat) any way we have several programs.
6 :
The north and the northeast along with California and Oregon. These states have much better social safety nets. Michigan and New York are good in particular.
7 :
Anyone of any age can apply for & receive EMERGENCY FOOD STAMPS within 72 hours. It may only be a one time thing, but you or your wife should apply. The office refers you to a food bank to tide you over for a few days until the stamps are approved. All you need is a photo id, ss card, proof of income (award letter), bank statement, pink slip, etc. Even the homeless get food stamps. It helps to have a mailing address. As for health care, all anyone needs to do is go into any hospital emergency room if you need medical assistance & they MUST give you care. They will also have a social worker on staff who can assist you in starting the needed paperwork for getting a services card that can be used at all clinics & doctors offices that accept them. In California, we have Medi-Cal Cards the are issued at the same office where you apply for cash aid & food stamps. If you do not already have SSA or SSI or SDI, then you most likely can apply for EMERGENCY CASH AID, in the state you are in. Some state only assist families with children. Others, like Cali, give assistance to single people who have no underaged children in the home, according to the county you go to. LOS ANGELES COUNTY gives their benefits to just about anyone. Here's the catch...married people tend to get less. If you are divorced or single & living together, you'll receive more help. I don't know why, but that's just the way the system is designed. Married people wanting help get raked over the coals. Housing takes years on a waiting list. Seniors often get housing faster if they can settle for a studio or 1 bedroom unit in a senior housing unit. But don't think you can move in any of your relatives if they are under the age of 55 in cali, cuz you'll end up evicted. Hope that helped. As I was typing in that last line, we just had an earthquake...remember that if you are coming to Cali...the earth sometimes moves when you least expect it to! Funny it happened now!
8 :
Missouri is good to there seniors and they have a good program and loads of things for them and food banks and food cards and the system helps with housing here and is good to the seniors
9 :
If your Black or Hispanic come to Chicago, you'll have no problem.
10 :
Not Michigan. Everyone is poor and in financial straights there.
11 :
I have most of my family in the midwest. In Iowa they are very helpful. If you could stand the winters
12 :
In my area the housing for senior citizens is pathetic. In a town of only 10,000 people they erected two high rise institutional buildings just for the elderly. Jam them all together in tiny little rooms with no decent area to enjoy the out of doors and very little transportation. Yet they have built a couple hundred beautiful townhouses for low income families with garages,central air,patios ,etc. It just doesn't pay to get old.
13 :
Are you both 62 or better 65? If the answer is yes,wherever you live you get Social Security, and Medicare. Why don't you Email me with some answeres.I would like to help you with this. Vinny 7/30

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What is better for your body and health, ecological food or regular food

What is better for your body and health, ecological food or regular food?
I know that regular food has balbla injected in them, which makes the product last longer. But is it really unhealthy or just bad for the earth? Please answer me whatever you might know, it's for a school project :(:(:(
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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All food is bad for you. The longer people continue to eat, the more disgusting and fat this world becomes. I can't even look at food anymore. Its so vile. Honey, do yourself a favor and just give it up all together. The only thing its good for is clogging arteries, causing cellulite, amassing fat cells, and making people stupid.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does the vegetarian/health food crowd exaggerate the dangers of meat and "junk" food

Does the vegetarian/health food crowd exaggerate the dangers of meat and "junk" food?
My granny has drunk Coca-Cola and enjoyed "junk food" since she was a little girl and she is about to turn 100. But she never smoked or drank more than a beer or two/day.
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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Right, people just imagine the hordes of obese people all over the US and Britain. Clearly your one example outweighs all the evidence of the rise in obesity related illnesses like diabetes, and all they damage the cause, and how they're linked to intense amounts of sugar and sodium in processed junk food

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How does fast food affect your health

How does fast food affect your health?
i have to do an informational report on fast food and i have to tell how fast food can affect your health i need as many answers as possible please and thank you!
Other - Food & Drink - 7 Answers
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1 :
I would say that how it is bad for you health by being fat and how the fast food companies use children to make profit and without thinking about their health
2 :
Does fast food affect your health? Tim Adams was tested before his McDiet and then a week later ... Sunday July 11, 2004 The Observer Blood tests Cholesterol: Before: 148 mg%; After: 163 mg% Normal range: 140-200 mg% Cholesterol HDL (good cholesterol): Before: 58 mg/dL; After: 48 mg/Dl Normal range: 40-109 Ratio good to bad cholesterol: Before: 2.55; After: 3.40 Normal range: 2.8-4.97 (low is best) Apoloproprotein B: Before: 62 mg%; After: 111mg% Causes cholesterol to stick to arterial wall Normal range: 65-165 mg% Antioxidant total: Before: 1.59 mmol/Leg.T; After: 1.83 Antioxidants created to counter free radicals in blood which cause arterial damage and cancer Normal range: 1.49 to 1.86 Sodium (salt): Before: 750 U/gHb; After: 778 U/gHb normal range: 569-892 Live blood analysis Before: Normal in all respects After: Red blood cells abnormal in size and shape; platelets aggregating abnormally; white blood cells abnormal levels of Neutrophils, Basophils and Monocytes which help to clear the blood of pathogens and bacteria and foreign bodies; abnormal level of fatty fibrin deposits in plasma
3 :
well since its "fast" it is usually processed food that they jus throw on the grill for 5 minutes. fast foods hav a lot of oil in them to keep them around longer. the oil clogs people's arteries and can make you fat. you are also prone to a lot of health issue such as a heart attack. thank you hav nice day.
4 :
If to much as in my case get colds faster and last longer, Oh, ya on my way to stroke or heart attack as I just found out cholesterol is 345. oops It's suppose to be at 130 As they say! You are what you eat-This is the true meaning.. At least I'll Die Happy
5 :
Well eating fast food is not good. Well because it is hard for the stomach to chew the food and it is not good for the heart other. if u chew the food less and sallow the food then the stomach have to do the rest to come the food as well. Do u know what am i trying to say here? It is the best thing if u eat food slow and u can taste the food better too. To tell the true I some time eat food fast and it is not good for my health and i've been eating fast when i was young. but now i am trying to eat food slow so i can taste the food in my mouth.
6 :
It is really bad for your health. You will receive to many fats and calories. You will get gastreoesophageal reflux disease(GERD). yOU REALLY DON'T WANT THAT!!!!!
7 :
Fast Food such as hamburguers, french fries, fried chicken, tacos, nachos etc. Affect your health and life by causing damage to your stomach, metabolism, nutrition, heart, arteries and some more. The fast food contains alot of Fat, Satured Fat, Trans. Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Sugars, Calories and types of nutrients that are not healthy in your body. When you eat a Whopper with the Kingsized fries and beverage also you get approximatly 1500 calories, 110g of fat, 35g of satured fat and 200mg of cholesterol. These types of calories and cholesterol can make you really fat and your arteries can get clogged by the cholesterol of the food that you eat, also when you keep eating eating and eating these things you can get a heart attack or probably a fast-dead, so this is how the fast food affect your life, health and many other things

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Friday, November 20, 2009

How can the US continue to allow people to go without food & health insurance? how to fix

How can the US continue to allow people to go without food & health insurance? how to fix?
How can one of the most powerful countries in the world "fix" everyone else's problems yet allow their own to suffer from poverty, no reasonably priced health care, Yet our senators & reps don't pay into Soc Security and get soooo much ?? Why do we as citizens continue to elect these jack***& let them continue to make these decisions with no repercussions for their behavior??
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
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Because it would be thoroughly unfair to force people to pay for things they can't afford. Get real. "Allow" connotes freedom, which is all a government should give you. And that same "allow" is what permits anyone to make whatever they want out of themselves, purchase whatever they want. You'd have a gripe if you could phrase the question "How can the US FORBID people from buying food or health insurance," but you can't.
2 :
It's the fact that no one wants to treat or diagnose anything if you don't have the insurance, which by the way gets charged less than you do if you pay for the service out of pocket! As far as going without food I have never had a problem getting foodstamps when it was necessary to do so!
3 :
We cant count on the government to always fix things. But to your point of all the people without access to medical. I would suggest to you that its not quite as many as you think. I have a brother in law that choses to be homeless (yes choses). Because he says, he doesnt want to work because he will have too much of his income taken out for child support. He was in the hospital for over a month and the "governemnt" picked up the tab for that. Then there are people on welfare who get medical. No one is refused medical treatment. Most americans have health care and those that dont can still get aid

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Monday, November 16, 2009

is veggie meat a health food or not

is veggie meat a health food or not?
whats it made of? are these kind of foods highly processed ?
Vegetarian & Vegan - 6 Answers
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I prefer not to eat them... I have tried them and can't give any health reasons that they are bad... I just choose to not have them... I'd rather have steamed veggies and rice any day.
2 :
i think you can chk under ingredient. mostly made from Soya or mushroom, gluten. but it should not be the main course it should comes with vegetables.
3 :
Depends on what is in it and how it's made/cooked. READ the label to know what it's made of. They are usually highly processed, yes. BTW if you are getting imitation meat that is made up of soy please try to get organic when you get soy. Soy is one of the most genetically engineered foods in the USA. Sometimes you can tell when the label says "modified" blah blah blah or when they literally state "GMO" (aka genetically modified organism(s)). Some brands and soy foods don't even bother to mention it, so it's just best to get organic. If you can't find 100% organic make sure to get a % of organic, the label should say "80% Organic" that means 80% of the ingredients come from organic sources, now flip to the back and see if they choose to put in organic soy. If they did buy it! If they didn't "just say no"!
4 :
soya meat meals are very processed and not 'healthy foods' at all for this reason. quorn is processed too, but doesnt have all the negative sides as soy does. a mix of quorn and making your own meals from natural foods would be preferable.
5 :
Being a former chef and using alot of them in my diet, I also used TVP a byproduct of the tofu making process, anything in excess it not good, as far as to label them as health foods, not really they are meat substitutes or replacements. Burgers, veggie bacon, slice meat products, hot dogs or ground meat like products, they are not as highly processed as the people here have made them out to be. Theonly thing is some are high in fat and salt, the evils of soya proteins. I make my own veggie burger, with a ixture of fresh veg, sautes then chopped in my food processor, add TVP, chickpea flour and seasonings and I cooked them in a non stick pan with only a spritz of oil. The best thing is read the labels, and make your deicsions based on the products themsleves, find some things you like and try your hand at making them see if you can improve on the product your self.
6 :
It is healthier than meat, but depending on the brand and variety, may have added sugar and sodium. It is usually made of soy or gluten. And yes, they usually are highly processed

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Any ideas for a creative name for health food and supplement company

Any ideas for a creative name for health food and supplement company?

Small Business - 5 Answers
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1 :
priority health...
2 :
Cheers! Rude Health The Well Bean (Wellbeing - play on words, geddit?) erm...... ermmm..... Nah, can't think of any more.
3 :
Herbal Escents, spell it just like that so it will be different that the shampoo
4 :
Hi There: These days people are always looking for an alternative in healthy foods and supplements. Start with the beginning of the alphabet and choose some names since most people looking in the yellow pages give up after a few listings. How about: Body Source Foods and Supplements Body and Mind Foods and Supplements Eat Well Food and Supplements Forever Young Food and Supplements I hope this helps
5 :
There is a health food store near me called Go To Health. Too funny! (and pretty successful

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

what kind of natural herb can i buy at a health food store to MINIMIZE urination especially when i sleep at n

what kind of natural herb can i buy at a health food store to MINIMIZE urination especially when i sleep at n?
especially when i sleep at night?
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
The most common reason why people do wake from the need to urinate are because of bladder irritants - smoking is the major culprit - so if you smoke, stop. (nicotine is a notorious bladder irritant, and cause of bladder cancer - what is inhaled in, is peed out) Butter Bur and Nettles are both used by men and women to reduce urinary frequency - but beware there are side effects to both.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How is it that the shamed Jim Bakker is still on the air; now trying to sell "health food" & religion

How is it that the shamed Jim Bakker is still on the air; now trying to sell "health food" & religion?
Are Americans really that stupid? A "Love Gift" for only $100.00 gets you a few pills to make you look like "Laurie"; his new wife. I just saw the show......
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
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1 :
Marion Barry was re-elected to mayor AFTER his prison sentence. This is America - people are stupid.
2 :
Let me put it this way: there have been over 6,000 posts here in the R&S section asking if the world will end in 2012. Now if people have already forgotten about the unfounded Y2K scare in just ten years, and can't see how that relates, then why should it be a surprise that people have already forgotten about what Jim Bakker did twenty years ago?
3 :
Once a fraud always a fraud. Religion and stupidity spawn them every day.
4 :
Maybe he asked for forgiveness in Jesus' name? That's the beauty of Christianity is having the opportunity to repent and ask for forgiveness. I don't judge him, but I'm sure others do.
5 :
Was this the original Jim Baker from the Tammy Fay Baker days of televangelism ? He must of had just gotten out of prison. When the general public is ignorant of these types, who misuse the Bible for financial gain, the entire realm of Christianity becomes the victim because of these type of manipulative tactics. Never mind Americans being "that stupid", Canadians are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, either.
6 :
Yes Americans really are THAT stupid. Televangelism is like pornography for insane hatemongers.
7 :
Jim Bakker paid full for his wrong doing. He served out his prison sentence and has reformed himself. That is a lot more than I can say for other people these days - i.e. Wall Street CEOs who walked away filthy rich after scamming the system.
8 :
Thank you LL, I love the old Jim Baker stories. I think people are not stupid, but, gullible. I love how ol' Jimmy says love gift; I know he loves the gift. I haven't sent the guy a penny, nor will I. I wonder if he will get air conditioning for his new wife? Edit: I just read Jimmy paid for his sins in jail. What a place to have to pay; now are we to pay him $100.00 a pop. I don't think so. Let ol' Jimmy get a real job like the rest of us.
9 :
Unfortunately, he's the best they can come up with.
10 :
No sh**? OMG! Suckers lining up, again? lol
11 :
Only in America!!!
12 :
SHAMED?....... THE POPE IS STILL THE INFALLIBLE POPE BY RCS? NO? HOW SHAMED IS THAT .THE RC POPE IS A VICAR OF CHRIST WHO SPEAKS FROM THE EX CATHEDRA? MMMM ( BIBLICAL .. ABSOLUTELY NOT) AND YOU ARE SAYING THAT BAKKER IS SHAMFUlL.. ABSOLUTELY BUT NOT BIGTIME LIKE THE RCS CHURCHES AND THEIR LEADER THE VICAR OF CHRIST ON EARTH THE INFALLIBLE POPE DID HE NOT PAY HIS DEBT TO SOCIETY IN PRISON? UNLIKE SOME OTHERS? ONE CAN FORGIVE A REPENTED SINNER NOT AN INFALLIBLE POPE ( . A HOUSE DIVIDED FALLS. ( THE WHOLE RC CHURCH IS SHAMED? Matthew 12:25 >> New International Version (©1984) Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. MMMMM I PREFER SOMEONE WHO RIPS ME OFF FOR $!00.00 THAN BE RIPPED OFF BIG TIME :) IC XC NIKA Greek Orthodox Katholikos ( First Unviersal) Apostolic Christian of the First Greek Septuagint and First Greek Bible.. of the World for All Latest Find is Sinatituc Codex. THERE IS NONE GOOD AMONG YOU .. WE ALL COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 ...BIBLE

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Where can I find a website that shows recipes to delicious, yet health-conscious food

Where can I find a website that shows recipes to delicious, yet health-conscious food?
I'd like to pick up cooking and I've been weightlifting for about a year. I think like a lot of people, food is amazing. I'm 5'7" and 170 pounds...most of it is muscle. So where can I find recipes that are aimed more for the bodybuilder types? I'm not and don't want to be, but I'd like to thin out a bit and pick up some good cooking on the way.
Cooking & Recipes - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
I think that for anyone who is trying to eat healthier, the magazine Cooking Light has great recipes. They are not diet foods they are recipes that include healthy nutritious dishes. Their recipes are at this link. For recipes just for body building try I hope you find some you like!
3 :
I don't know about the whole body builder thing but you have to want to eat healthy food. Because my mum has has cancer she eats really healthy and doesn't eat any dairy and very little meat. Meat is okay just it proportion. Most things are needed in proportion. Drinking: 8 cups of water i know sounds ott but if you do exercise you're bound to drink more than 6. Beer and wine, i'm pretty sure one a day is okay, but i don't drink so you know. Please! Only drink soft drinks OCCASIONALLY they are sugar!! You need to have quite a few servings of veggies and fruit daily. Also, with salads try to be inventive!! It's no wonder a lot of people dislike salads when all they have is a whole lotta lettuce, cheese and a few cherry tomatoes. In your salads put in caspsicum, (really yummy) tomatoes, lettuce, sprouts (now you can grow your own sprouts at home like we do, and they taste yummy). But there are many different salads out there so go try some and put in different food. Sometimes in our salads there's also orange or almonds and the list goes on. Also a nice dressing is garlic, olive oil and pesto. Simple but really yummy. Other than salads because i don't like them hugely there's plenty of other ways to have your fruit and veggies. For snacks have apples, oranges, mandarins, kiwi fruit, a handfull of almonds or other nuts(good protein), a banana, grapes--perfect snack options. Of course many veggies in my daily diet are had with dinner. Breakky: Cereal is the best option, to be inventive you can put in fruit. Toast is okay, just even it out with some fruit. I have days where i have egg,bacon, sometimes fryed mash (sooooo good!!) baked beans, mushrooms--are soo yummy, and a fried tomato. With freshly squeezed orange juice. Juices: Simply buy your own juicer and fresh, natural juices where you know whats in them!! Hope all of this info helps :)
4 :
Bon Appetite and Gourmet
5 :
here are some sites that teaches you. i learnt cooking from these sites too and it's works. before that, i recommend you to watch chef nigella lawson at . she has the fastest, easiest and delicious recipes. really good. i learn cooking, baking, etc from her and get the full recipes from and if you want to watch them cooking, can thru, their sites and learn cooking. if not, go to and find for the chefs. homecook chef nigella lawson = fast, easy and delicious chef anna olson = dessert and pastry chef chef giada de laurentiis = italian food chef rachel ray = creative, and delicious food

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can I feed Urinary Health cat food to normal cats

Can I feed Urinary Health cat food to normal cats?
I picked up a can of Friskies Urinary Health because it has ocean whitefish instead of meat-byproducts as first ingredients (Is it still the best? No. But it's what my budget allows). My cats don't have a problem with that, but can I still feed it to them?
Cats - 5 Answers
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1 :
As long as it's not a veterinary diet (which I know the crap such as Friskies isn't), then it's safe to feed. I would still consider finding a better food that can fit your budget, though.
2 :
It won't hurt them. I recommend varying their diet a little and making sure they don't get too much fish. Too much fish can have a negative impact on their health in the long term. I'm surprised they're selling a urinary health formula that has fish. It's been known to cause urinary tract problems, especially in males. At any rate, if it's just a little that you picked up on accident it will be fine. Check around in your area for Newman's Own Organics. It's a great brand, and you can find it at Target and some Wal*Mart stores. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul is another healthy brand that's not too expensive. Best of luck to you!
3 :
I would actually not feed Friskies anything. Its a bad brand. You are better off spending the money on a high quality grain free cat food such as Evo, Weruva, Natures Variety, or Wellness. It costs more, but you save money in vet care, litter, and your cats are healthier and more active.
4 :
Absolutely. It is intended for healthy cats to AVOID getting UTI, which are very common in cats, particularly as they get older.
5 :
I never recommend feeding cats anything with fish in it. I've never read the friskies ingredient label but, fish can be a source of urinary problems. What did your Vet recommend ? And don't believe all the answers you get on the internet, Vets actually go to school for this and know what they are talking about. And yes they receive perks, but I know at least a hundred vets and none would hurt a cat for a calender ! Also, people forget to mention these same pet food companies are the ones that keep the Shelters, Rescues, Humane Societies and animal groups funded thru their grants. Sorry for the soapbox, but this has been on my mind.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Has anyone ever tried one of those detox/cleanse products from the health food store

Has anyone ever tried one of those detox/cleanse products from the health food store?
And if so, what exactly did it do?
Diet & Fitness - 5 Answers
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1 :
I considered buying them, but changed my mind after i did some research about detox of the body. Everything I read said your body has the BEST cleaning process, better than anything you can buy anywhere. I believe it is more of a new idea, the latest fad, to sell things to unsuspecting people. There is always someone out there wanting to sell the public any kind of gadget and someone out there that will be willing to buy it. Remember your body does all of this naturally, better than any made product that you could ever buy.
2 :
Hello Celeste, i would suggest going to a store called WILD OATS if u have one near u and looking into their cleansing products. i clean myself out atleast once a month sometimes twice if i'm really bloated or gassy...I suggest u try them out for yourself u will feel soooooooo much better. Also try First Fitness Suddenly Slim they have a product called Reneu and it an herbal inner cleanser, It made me feel lighter and also got that stomach pooch to go down, i was very pleased with the results.Let me know how u come out....
3 :
I personally have been using Chin Slim Diet Tea. Here in California, you can pick it up at 99 Ranch market (an asian market chain in Socal and Norcal). This stuff is really effective in cleansing. When you first use it, you may feel really strong bowel movements and cramps. I only felt them for the first few days when I first did the tea, but not anymore. Basically if you take the tea at night, and eat breakfast or lunch the next morning, you will be hitting the bathroom within 30 minutes of the meal. I only use it for a few days every couple months, or when I feel like I need to detox. I don't suggest using it everyday, it could lead to health complications if you use it daily for years. It does make me feel great though, alot cleaner and lighter. This is not a weight loss solution however. I'm a college student, and eat healthy except during midterms and finals. So after my exams, I usually take the tea for a few days to detox. Only way to really lose weight is diet and exercise. I went from 240 - 188 lbs (my current weight) through diet change and exercise. Overall, its a great product to use for a few days to cleanse, but can cause kidney and colon issues if used long term (years). Here is a link to wat the tea looks like. .
4 :
well : I know about "Diet & Fitness also very important with Answers Health as basic Nutritional Food Groups also the Calorie Counter helps among 3 Square Meals Per day or just Start Daily Excercises only " Try this 5Hr Energy Drink it is better
5 :
I used a product called "Clean Tea" and I passed the drug test, no joke. It made me pee a lot. Are you looking for that reason? If it's for more of a health/diet thing..then I have a recipe you can make yourself..No need to buy the expensive stuff. INGREDIENTS Enough freshly-boiled water to fill your teacup or mug 1 tablespoon real maple syrup Freshly-squeezed juice of half a lemon Cayenne pepper to taste Simply stir ingredients together in your mug or cup. Be careful with the cayenne: A little goes a long way. It's designed as a cleansing tea to stimulate processing of excess fats in the body, rev up circulation, and provide essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals

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Friday, October 16, 2009

what are the leading food supplement/health & beauty distributors in the philippines

what are the leading food supplement/health & beauty distributors in the philippines?
i am looking for top distributors of health and beauty products particularly (food supplements; glutathione.. etc.) in the philippines please help me thank you!
Diet & Fitness - 4 Answers
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1 :
You can read article "A discussion on health" or all related archives at A discussion on Health: Eating well is one of the best investments you can make for your health. A short discussion on health can give you opportunity to get wealth. So good health and wealth is waiting for you....!! You can also subscribe this article to get health guide. To subscribe click at below link, you will get verification message from Nourish-Protein: check it out at for more information :
2 :
If you are looking for a glutathione distributor in the Phillippines or to become a distributor email me at
3 :
Im from the Carribean but I buy my Glutathione pills in the Philippines from an online store by Kazumi. I have been eating their pills for months now and it is working so far. Their website is Niyaya
4 :
Hello, We have a Ear Candle Manufacturing Company in the USA, and we do have a few people that have picked up our products from your location. If you have a business then you are more than welcome to check out the website or if you are looking for products for your own personal use you are welcome to check out Good Luck

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Do you think health food restaurants will be the big new hit in the US soon

Do you think health food restaurants will be the big new hit in the US soon?
Think it will be tough to get a greasy burger in the near future?..Thanks for your input!
Other - Dining Out - 13 Answers
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1 :
I don't think it will be tough to get a burger still...I mean it's not like all the burger joints will close. BUT I hope so! I would love to get something healthy and fast on my lunch break instead of the same ole' fast food crap.
2 :
I think that there will be a lot more healthy restaurants but I don't think it will ever be hard to find a greasy burger.
3 :
I think that as long as fast food tastes better than healthy food we will have plenty of Mcdonalds in this country.
4 :
Gosh, I hope not...
5 :
I don't think so. I think people will see that they can eat the same food with the same taste for much cheaper. The reason we all like places like McDonalds and such is that they have a certain taste that we can't duplicate easily.
6 :
I hope so --I hope more restaurants will go -organic or even raw foods would be nice! I think we seem to be going in that direction-more and more people are realizing we really are what we eat! A big step was when 7-Up went all organic.
7 :
no way....eating out is all about eating bad,,,otherwise stay home and have a salad
8 :
dont bet on it-most of the US eats horribly.
9 :
nawwwwww i dont think so, its called supply in demand
10 :
It's already happening in upscale parts of the country.
11 :
Yah they probally will. MacDonalds already puts all there nutrion info on the packages, so I bet many people will stop eating there. Though we should be free to do whatever we want and eat whatever we want. Sadly this country is not free anymore.
12 :
already is.
13 :
I hope so - if we continue eating crap food, our continent's going to sink under our fat asses

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Would you ever shop at a health food store if the staff looked and treated you like you were the most stupid

Would you ever shop at a health food store if the staff looked and treated you like you were the most stupid?
person ever if you had asked if they had a certain product yet didn't know much about it and had asked for full details? I wouldn't because that is a nasty jerk way to treat someone.
Polls & Surveys - 6 Answers
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Any idiot doing that to me in this economy should just kiss their job bye bye. I would complain..alot..and they would be fired.
2 :
next time just ask someone else, or say "ok, bye"....sometimes ppl are just stupid like that.
3 :
No I would not. I would take my money and business elsewhere.
4 :
I would have to quit shopping at all stores if that was the case.
5 :
6 :
Nobody is stupid actually what they need is more information

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are there any health foodprogram available for people with low income to be able to afford health food

Are there any health foodprogram available for people with low income to be able to afford health food?
Such as vegetarian foods, vegan, raw and whole foods. So on thank you :)
Vegetarian & Vegan - 8 Answers
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1 :
yes, its called learning how to garden and grow your own
2 :
Its much cheaper to be veg. just stop buying meat and you'll save a ton! You could join a co-op. they usually have working memberships where you get discounts for helping at the store a few hours a month. I was a piss-poor single mom student and ate a splendid vegan diet. (still do, just not so poor;-) Bulk legumes, peas beans and rice are a super way to be cheapskate veggie.
3 :
Yeah, lots of them. I'm not a vegetarian, and I haven't got much money, but vegetarian foods are much cheaper than animal products. I deliberately include lots of veggies in my family's diet both for health and money saving reasons. The only thing you need to watch is to make sure you get plenty of B vitamins, especially B12 (cyanocobalamin), and to get all the amino acids you need, by including pulses like peas and beans and cereals in the same meal, and eat plenty of greens, because meat iron is more readily digested than the iron in veggies.
4 :
if you can afford meat with a low income then you'll more than be able to afford health food. meat costs way more than veggie products
5 :
Britain has a healthy food grant if you are a pregnant woman. Other than that, I haven't heard of much. As others have said, vegetarian diets tend to be quite a bit cheaper than omni. A pound of dry beans, which is a good eight servings when cooked, costs less than a dollar at my local grocery. My boyfriend's weekly chicken costs at least ten times that, if not more.
6 :
hey if you are into raw foods and veggies maybe some tofu, even beans rice tortillas-all of that is pretty low income.........raw foods- you mostly get seeds and grow youre own sprouts instead of buy sprouts. what you spend on a package of sprouts, could buy enough seeds for at least a couple of weeks or more of that same sprout. Check out "Ann Wigmore" and her program on internet. i had an opportunity to study with her a very long time ago, and would recommend her programs to any one. (Especially if you grow all your own.) As far as the beans & rice again (learn to ) cook your own. purchasing bulk beans and rice, torts are roughly 2 dozen for a buck. for veggies try to find a local Frmer's Market - always a better price when from grower. well good luck :)
7 :
All you do is stop buying the junk food and buy healthier foods. They are cheaper than junk food, dairy, meats, processed foods, etc. Raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains. You can also grow your own and save even more.
8 :
I don't know about special programs, but I think you can do it on your own really cheaply. If you stop buying processed foods or prepared foods, you save right away. Cut back on white rice, white potatoes, regular pastas, etc. I'd suggest farmer's markets for veggies - they keep the cost down and lets you have variety. Regular grocery store for cans of beans, lentils, brown rice & tofu . . . which are all really cheap. Mostly, though I think eating whole grains and vegetables and raw fruits keeps you more full . . . so even if brown rice costs more than white or sweet potatoes cost more than white potatoes, you're going to stay full longer and have more nutrition. Part of the reason they say low income families are more apt to have poorer nutrition or weight issues is not because there isn't enough to eat, but just that they're not eating the right things - and that the things they're eating because they're cheap and available don't keep you full and prompt you to eat too much . . . it's a vicious cycle

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Monday, September 28, 2009

How do electrolytes and water affect health nutrition/food nutrition of humans

How do electrolytes and water affect health nutrition/food nutrition of humans?
And what would be the proper amount of food intake to have a proper balance of the two? And what foods/drinks would be proper to have to have the right amount?
Biology - 2 Answers
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Well, They are Very, very positive. I'm in the military and I can't stress the two enough. Proper Food intake though? Well, if you are focused on Electrolytes and water, #1 you're probably an active person looking to either lose weight or keep the lean, #2 , i'd assume you aren't eating mcdonalds every single day in the first place if you're asking this question, so i'm pretty sure you are fine :).
2 :
The human body is about 72% water and an electrolyte is any substance containing free ions that behaves as an electrically conductive medium. If you decrease either level you have a problem. Water is critical to maintaining electrolyte levels. The first stages of dehydration are feeling sick and muscle cramps. You also have problems processing information. Everything in the body is controlled by the electrical signals sent back and forth to the brain. If your body can't conduct these electrical signals, you have problems. Water & electrolytes handle these signals. Water is also an important part of the digestive process. It is needed to process food and flush the intestines. Blood is made up of plasma which is also mostly water and so is sweat which helps to regulate the body's temperature. Water is a part of every process in the body. The proper amount of food depends on your size and the items you eat and the quality of those items. Proper foods are the ones that contain the most minerals and vitamins (fruits, vegetables, nuts). Protein should come from fish as the oil in fish is very good for you. The only drink the body requires is water. The biggest problem we face is the depletion of minerals & nutrients in the soil we grow our food. There are also problems with pesticides and herbicides. Water is polluted and chemical laden. Fish swim in this water. So the best is organically grown foods, fish raised in filtered water and Good, high quality drinking water. The best is ionized, filtered, alkaline water. For more information check out hope that answers the questions

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can you go to the health food store and take any herbs for pyrosis flare ups

Can you go to the health food store and take any herbs for pyrosis flare ups?
I get it under control and then i break out again,just on my hands it effects
Skin Conditions - 1 Answers
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umm... as far as I know pyrosis is a burning feeling in the chest. You shouldn't be having this on your hands

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Doupt abt whether natural raw food is good for health or cooked food

Doupt abt whether natural raw food is good for health or cooked food?
In cooked food , nutrients are also destroyed..... is it true? What is the real food culture for health? How much kalories should be add per day?
Diet & Fitness - 1 Answers
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Many people/raw food specialists believe you don't need to count calories if you eat raw food. Raw food is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, that you often don't need to eat as much to feel full. When you first start, you may eat more because you are transitioning and missing the old foods you are used to, but this will soon even out. Most people lose a lot of weight on the raw food diet. You will find that raw keeps tasting better and better to you, it's fresh, sweet, clean, and eventually cooked food won't even seem like food anymore. It's not just fruit, veggies and nuts, there are many gourmet raw dishes that can be made, even without a dehydrator. You can also by dehydrator cookies and chocolate (so healthy you could even eat it for breakfast if you wanted.)

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